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Chinese Literature - Miscellaneous treatises (zajia 雜家)

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Four Categories 四部 > Masters or Philosophers 子部 > Miscellaneous treatises 雜家類Literature by A to Z
Literature by time
Literature by theme
Miscellaneous teachings 雜學之屬:
鬻子 Yuzi 鬻熊 Yu Xiong
墨子 Mozi 墨翟 Mo Di
尹文子 Yinwenzi 尹文 Yin Wen
慎子 Shenzi > legist writers 慎到 Shen Dao
公孫龍子 Gongsun Longzi 公孫龍 Gongsun Long
鬼谷子 Guiguzi
呂氏春秋 Lüshi chunqiu 呂不韋 Lü Buwei
淮南鴻烈解 (淮南子) Huainan honglie jie (Huainanzi) > Daoist writers 劉安 Liu An
人物志 Renwuzhi 劉邵 Liu Shao
金樓子 Jinlouzi 梁孝元帝 Liang Xiaoyuandi
劉子 Liuzi 劉晝 Liu Zhou
顏氏家訓 Yanshi jiaxun 顏之推 Yan Zhitui
長短經 Changduanjing 趙蕤 Zhao Rui
化書 Huashu 譚峭 Tan Qiao
Miscellaneous researches 雜考之屬:
白虎通義 (白虎通) Baihu tongyi (Baihutong) 班固 Ban Gu
獨斷 Duduan 蔡邕 Cai Yong
古今注 Gujinzhu 崔豹 Cui Bao
日知錄 Rizhilu 顧炎武 Gu Yanwu
Misceallaneous treatises雜說之屬:
論衡 Lunheng 王充 Wang Chong
風俗通義 Fengsu tongyi 應劭 Ying Shao
夢溪筆談 Mengqi bitan (Mengxi bitan) 沈括 Shen Kuo
意林 Yilin 馬總 Ma Zong
說郛 Shuofu 陶宗儀 Tao Zongyi
古今說海 Gujin shuohai 陸楫 Lu Ji

*not contained in the Siku quanshu