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Shenzi 慎子 by Shen Dao

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A very important momentum for a ruler found this legist minister of Qi 齊 during the Warring States period 戰國時代: wisdom and moral are not enough for a ruler to govern his evil ministers, but only power and ability (shi 勢) enable him to take control of his officials. These are the real instrument for the not-moving ruler to make his state wealthy and powerful. Only small parts of his book Shenzi 慎子 are preserved.
民雜處而各有所能.所能者不同.此民之情也.大君者.太上也.兼畜下者也.下之所能不同.而皆上之用也. 是 以 大 君 因 民 之 能 為 資 . 盡 包 而 畜 之 . 無 能 去 取 焉 .是 故 不 設 一 方 以 求 於 人 . 故 所 求 者 無 不 足 也 . 大 君 不 擇其 下 . 故 足 . 不 擇 其 下 . 則 易 為 下 矣 . 易 為 下 則 莫 不 容. 莫 不 容 故 多 下 . 多 下 之 謂 太 上 . 君 臣 之 道 . 臣 事 事 而君 無 事 . 君 逸 樂 而 臣 任 勞 . 臣 盡 智 力 以 善 其 事 . 而 君 無與 焉 . 仰 成 而 巳 . 故 事 無 不 治 . 治 之 正 道 然 也 . 人 君 自任 . 而 務 為 善 以 先 下 . 則 是 代 下 負 任 蒙 勞 也 . 臣 反 逸 矣. 故 曰 . 君 人 者 . 好 為 善 以 先 下 . 則 下 不 敢 與 君 爭 為 善以 先 君 矣 . 皆 私 其 所 知 以 自 覆 掩 . 有 過 . 則 臣 反 責 君 .逆 亂 之 道 也 . 君 之 智 . 未 必 最 賢 於 眾 也 . 以 未 最 賢 而 欲以 善 盡 被 下 . 則 不 贍 矣 . 若 使 君 之 智 最 賢 . 以 一 君 而 盡贍 下 則 勞 . 勞 則 有 倦 . 倦 則 衰 . 衰 則 復 反 於 不 贍 之 道 也. 是 以 人 君 自 任 而 躬 事 . 則 臣 不 事 事 . 是 君 臣 易 位 也 .謂 之 倒 逆 . 倒 逆 則 亂 矣 . 人 君 苟 任 臣 而 勿 自 躬 . 則 臣 皆事 事 矣 . 是 君 臣 之 順 . 治 亂 之 分 . 不 可 不 察 也 .
An enlightened ruler and upright ministers are the good fortune of a state. A benevolent father and a filial son, a trustworthy husband and a honest wife are the good fortune of a family. In old times, Bi Gan, although being a loyal person, was not able to save the Shang Dynasty. And although Master Shen was filial, he could not bring peace to the state of Jin. Why were such loyal subjects and filial sons not able to save their country and family destruction? Because there was no enlightened ruler or wise father that respected their words. A son, how filious he could be, is not able to create a benevolent father, and a minister, how loyal he ever could be, will not be able to make his ruler a sage.
The standards are a measurement to equalize all activities under Heaven, they are the rules that are made by the highest public institution by a great fixation order. Therefore, the wisest man can not overtake the official standards and make plans for himself, the most wickest man can not overtake the official standards and make decisions for himself; no noble man can make himself a name by offending the standards, and no subject can earn merits by offending the standards. Bones and flesh can be destroyed by punishment, parents and relatives can be killed by punishment, but the highest standards can not be missed.

pply themselves to the study of the Odes and History and to follow improper standards; on the one hand, they obtain prominence, and on the other, they acquire office and rank. Insignificant individuals will occupy themselves with trade and will practise arts and crafts, all in order to avoid agriculture and war, thus preparing a dangerous condition for the state. Where the prople are given to such teachings, it is certain that such a country will be dismembered...
But now, those who run a state, for the most part, overlook what is essential, and the discussions at court on government, are confused and efforts are made to displace each other in them; thus the ruler is dazed by talk, officials confused by words, and the people become lazy and will not farm. The result is that all the people within the territory change and become fond of sophistry, take pleasure in study, pursure trade, practise arts and crafts, and shun agriculture and war and so in this manner the ruin of the country will not be far off. When the country has trouble, then, because studious people hate law, merchants are clever in bartering and artisans are useless, the state will be easily destroyed.
Indeed, if farmers are few, and those who live idly on others are many, then the state will be poor and in a dangerous condition. Now, for example, if various kinds of caterpillars, which are born in spring and die in autumn, appear only once, the result is that the people have no food for many years. Now, if one man tills and a hundred live on him, it means that they are like a great visitation of caterpillars. Though there may a bundle of the Odes and History in every hamlet and a copy in every family, yet it is useless for good government, and it is not a method whereby this condition of things may be reversed. Therefore the ancient kings made people turn back to agruculture and war. For this reason it is daid: "Where a hundred men farm, and one id idle, the state will attain supremacy; where ten men farn and one is idle, the state will be strong; where half farms and half is idle, the state will be in peril." That is why those, who govern the country will, wish the people to take to agriculture. If the country does not take to agriculture, then, in its quarrels over authority with the various feudal lords, it will not be able to maintain itself, because the strength of the multitude will not be sufficient. Therefore the feudal lords vex its weakness and make use of its state of decadence; and if the territory is invaded and dismembered, without the country being stirred to action, it will be past saving. A