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Chinese History - Zhou Dynasty 周代 (11th cent.-221 BC)

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Zhou Dynasty
Lu 魯

period before (Shang)
Zhou Dynasty
--Zhou feudal lords
next period (Qin)
Map and Geography I
Map and Geography II
Map and Geography III

The state of Lu has the character of an old veritable dukedom because it was the fiefdom of Zhou Gong Dan 周公但, the brother of King Zhou Wuwang 周武王. Furthermore, it was the homestate of Confucius (Kongzi) 孔子. During the Western Zhou (Xizhou) 西周 period Lu was a powerful state that dominated the east of the Yellow River plain and conquered the minor states of Qi 杞, Zhu 邾, Ju 莒, Ji 極, and Fang 防, and it was given tributes by the states of Cao 曹, Teng 滕, Xue 薛, and Ji 紀. the Spring and Autumn (Chunqiu) 春秋 period on, three sidelines of the house of Ji 姬 challenged the position of the power of the dukedom: the three families Jisun 季孫, Shusun 叔孫 and Mengsun 孟孫 (or Zhongsun 仲孫), also called the "Three Huans" (Sanhuan 三桓) as there representants were descendants of Duke Huan 魯桓公. In 594 a new tax system to tax the fields was introduced, in 562 the army was reorganized. The result of these measures was a new centralization of the power of the Dukes of Lu until 400 BC. Lu was destroyed by the mighty southern state of Chu 楚 at the end of the Warring States (Zhanguo) 戰國 period.
The name of the state of Lu was later used as name of princedoms.

Rulers of Lu

Capital: Qufu 曲阜/Shandong (old Yan 奄)
Lu Zhougong 魯周公 "Zhou Gong Dan 周公但" (Ji Dan 姬但, the Duke of Zhou, brother of King Zhou Wuwang)
(Ji) Boqin, Duke of Lu 魯公(姬)伯禽 (Qinfu 禽父; time of King Zhou Chengwang)
Lu Xiaogong (1) 魯考公 (Ji You 姬酉; time of King Zhou Kangwang)
Lu Shanggong 魯煬公 (Ji Xi 姬熙)
Lu Yougong 魯幽公 (Ji Zai 姬宰or Yi 懌; time of King Zhou Zhaowang)
Lu Weigong 魯魏公 (Ji Fei 姬[水+費] or Kui 潰)
Lu Ligong 魯厲公 (Ji Zhuo 姬擢; time of King Zhou Muwang)
Lu Xiangong 魯獻公 (Ji Ju 姬具)
Lu Zhengong 魯真公 (Ji Bi 姬濞)856-826 ?
Lu Wugong 魯武公 (Ji Ao 姬敖)825-816
Lu Yigong 魯懿公 (Ji Xi 姬戲)815-807
Lord (Ji) Boyu 姬伯御君 (usurper)806-796
Lu Xiaogong (2) 魯孝公 (Ji Cheng 姬稱)796-769
Lu Huigong 魯惠公 (Ji Funie 姬弗涅)768-723
Lu Yingong 魯隱公 (Ji Xigu 姬息姑; First Chunqiu ruler of Lu)722-712
Lu Huangong 魯桓公 (Ji Gui 姬軌)711-694
Lu Zhuanggong 魯莊公 (Ji Tong 姬同)693-662
(Ji Ban 姬般)
Lu Mingong 魯湣(閔)公 (Ji Qifang 姬啟方)
Lu Xigong 魯釐(僖)公 (Ji Shen 姬申; Lu dominated by the Three Huan Clans Sanhuan 三桓: Zhongsun 仲孫, Shusun 叔孫, and Jisun 季孫)659-627
Lu Wengong (1) 魯文公 (Ji Xing 姬興)626-609
(Ji Chi 姬赤)
Lu Xuangong 魯宣公 (Ji Wo 姬倭)
Lu Chenggong 魯成公 (Ji Heixuan 姬黑眩 or Heigong 黑肱)590-573
Lu Xianggong 魯襄公 (Ji Wu 姬午; birth of Confucius)572-542
(A Son of Lady Yu ChugongYu Chugong Zi 于楚宮子)
Lu Zhaogong 魯昭公 (Ji Chou 姬稠 or 裯)
Lu Dinggong 魯定公 (Ji Song 姬宋)509-495
Lu Aigong 魯哀公 (Ji Jiang 姬蔣; death of Confucius trad. Zhou Jingwang 41 renxu, 4th month, 18th day yichou)494-467
Lu Daogong 魯悼公 (Ji Ning 姬寧)466-429
Lu Yuangong 魯元公 (Ji Jia 姬嘉)428-408
Lu Mugong 魯穆公 (Ji Xian 姬顯)407-377
Lu Gonggong 魯共公 (Ji Fen 姬奮)376-353
Lu Kanggong 魯康公 (Ji Tun 姬屯)352-344
Lu Jinggong 魯景公 (Ji Yan 姬匽)343-315
Lu Pinggong 魯平公 (Ji Lü 姬旅)314-296
Lu Wengong (2) 魯文公, or Lu Mingong