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Chinese History - The Sixteen Kingdoms 五胡十六國 (300~430)

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The Sixteen Kingdoms
Southern Yan 南燕

period before (Jin Dynasty)
-- Southern Dynasties
-- Northern Wei
next period (Sui)

Southern and Northern Dynasties overview

When the attacks of Northern Wei Dynasty (Beiwei 北魏) divided the empire of Later Yan (Houyan 後燕) into two territories, Murong De 慕容德 withdrew to the southern part and proclaimed himself King of (Southern) Yan (Nanyan 南燕) in 398, in 400 emperor. Although Murong De tried to establish a functioning administration, time was to short for efficient elaboration: Southern Yan was soon conquered by the Jin Dynasty 晉 armies (some histories say, Liu-Song 劉宋, because the leading general, Liu Yu 劉裕, was the founder of this successor dynasty of Jin). The Yan empire is named after the old feudal state of Yan 燕 during the Zhou Dynasty 周.

See also titles of rulers.

Note: The rulers of the sideline dynasties are usually not called with their posthumous dynastic titles but with their personal names as they are not accepted as righteous rulers by official historiographies.

Rulers of Southern Yan (Nanyan) 南燕 (398-410)

Capital: Guanggu 廣固 (modern Yidu 益都/Shandong)

Ethnicity: Xianbei 鮮卑, clan or subtribe of Murong 慕容

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Nanyan Xianwudi 南燕獻武帝
-----Yanping 燕平 398
-----Jianping 建平 400
Nanyan Shizu 南燕世祖 (Shizong 世宗)Murong De 慕容德398-404
The Prince of Beihai 北海王
-----Taishang 太上 405

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Houyan Wuchengdi 後燕武成帝 (Chengwudi 成武帝)
-----Yanyuan 燕元 384
-----Jianxing 建興 386
Houyan Shizu 後燕世祖Murong Chui 慕容垂384-395
Houyan Huimindi 後燕惠閔皇帝
-----Yongkang 永康 397
Houyan Liezu 後燕烈祖 (Liezong 烈宗)Murong Bao 慕容寶396-397
The Duke of Kaifeng 開封公
-----Jianshi 建始 397
Murong Xiang 慕容詳397
The Prince of Zhao 趙王
-----Yanping 延平 397
Murong Lin 慕容麟397

Lan Han 蘭汗 (398)
-----Qinglong 青龍 398

Houyan Zhaowudi 後燕昭武帝
-----Jianping 建平 398
-----Changle 長樂 399
Houyan Zhongzong 後燕中宗Murong Sheng 慕容盛 398-400
Houyan Zhaowendi 後燕昭文帝
-----Guangshi 光始 401
-----Jianshi 建始 407
Murong Xi 慕容熙401-407
Houyan Huiyidi 後燕惠懿帝
-----Zhengshi 正始 407-409

conquered by Northern Yan

Gao Yun 高雲 (adoptive son of Murong Bao)407-409

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