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Chinese Literature - Poetry

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Literature by A to Z
Literature by time
Literature by theme
Literature by category
Pre-Qin poetry:
--Shijing or Book of Songs
--Chuci or Poetry of the South
--popular songs
--Xiang Yu, Lady Yu, and Liu Bang
--fu or rhaposody
--yuefu or songs collected by the Bureau of Music
--Yutai Xinyong anthology
--Yuefu Shiji anthology
--19 Old Songs
Poetry of the Three Kingdoms Period, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties Period:
--Emperor Wei Wudi (Cao Cao)
--King Siwang of Chen (Cao Zhi)
--Tao Yuanming
--Xie Lingyun
--Bao Zhao
--Yan Yanzhi
--Wang Sengru
--Xie Tiao
--Emperor Liang Wudi (Xiao Yan)
--Jiang Yan
--Shen Yue
--Wu Jun
--Liu Xiaochuo
--Emperor Liang Jianwendi (Xiao Gang)
--Yu Jianwu
--Xu Ling
--Yu Xin
--Jiang Zong
--Yan Zhitui
Tang shi Poetry:
--Li Bai
--Wang Changling
--Liu Zongyuan
--Luo Binwang
--Du Fu
--Li Shangyin
--Wang Wei
--Meng Haoran
--He Zhizhang
--Du Mu
--Lu You
Song ci Poetry:
--Li Yu
--Ouyang Xiu
--Yan Jidao
--Su Shi (Su Dongpo)
--Shu Tan
--Zhou Bangyan
--He Zhu
--Xin Qiji
--Wu Wenying
Yuan qu Poetry:
--Han Guanqing
--Lu Zhi
--Ma Zhiyuan
--Zhang Kejiu
--Qiao Ji
--Gao Ming
Ming and Qing poetry
Republican poetry
--Lu Xun
Poetry in the PRC:
--Mao Zedong
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