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Chinese Literature - Daoist Writings

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Huainanzi 淮南子 "The Masters of Huainan"

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The many royal princes of the Han time 漢 possessed each his own kingdom. One of them was Liu An 劉安 (d. 122 BC), who patronized a dozen Daoist scholars and let them compile a book with their interpretings of every aspect in human life and cosm. It is an exuberant research for a true standard of the nature of dao 道 "the Way", and its deepness made later scholars give the book the subtitle "Explanation of the Greatness and theLuminosity" Honglie jie 鴻烈解. For the authors of the Huainanzi 淮南子 , the fundamental essences of man are an ethereal part (jing 精), second condensed material substance that gives instinct to man (qi 氣), and third mind, spirit or conscience (shen 神). The fundamental director ofThe "Three Cavern" classificatory system was made during the fifth century and ordered the Taoist texts under three revelatory traditions: Dongzhen 洞真 "The Truth the Cavern" (Shangqing 上清 revelations), Dongxuan 洞玄 "Mystery the Cavern" (Lingbao 靈寶 revelations), and Dongshen 洞神 "Spirit the Cavern" (Sanhuang 三皇 revelations). Some important works like the Daodejing and Taipingjing are not included in this classification and find their place in so-called "Four Lacunae" (Sifu 四輔). Recently discovered texts like the Huangdi Sijing are not implemented in the canonical corpus.
