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Yijing 易經 "The Book of Changes", or Zhou Yi 周易 "The Changes of the Zhou"

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This is the most commented book of the old classics, said to be a composition of the mythical ruler Fuxi 伏羲, King Wen of Zhou 周文王, Duke Dan of Zhou 周公旦 and even Confucius. But instead, we can divide the text in the "original" listing of the 64 hexagrams and their respective line statements and the later "wing" commentaries. The main part with the listings can also be called "Changes of the Zhou", because it is the Zhou people's manual for the divination with milfoil stalks (shi 蓍). The forme
Zhuanxu (Zhuan Xu) 顓頊, surname Gaoyang 高陽氏; residence: Pu 濮 (r. 78 years)
Diku (Di Ku) 帝嚳, surname Gaoxin 高辛氏; residence: Bo 亳 (r. 63 years)
Yao* 帝堯, surname Tang 唐 or Taotang 陶唐氏, called Fangxun 放勛; residence: Ji 冀 (r. 100 years)
Shun* 帝舜, surname Yu 虞 or Youyu 有虞氏, called Chonghua 重華; residence: Ji (r. 50 years)
Old Chinese sources often speak of the "Three Augusts" and "Five Emperors" (Sanhuang Wudi 三皇五帝), but scholars disagree who these persons are: Fuxi 伏羲, Shennong 神農 and Huangdi 黃帝 as the Augusts (or Nüwa 女媧 instead of Huangdi), and Shaohao, Gaoyang, Gaoxin, Yao and Shun as the Emperors.
*In Chinese, the one-syllable names of antique rulers are preceded by the term "divine emperor" (帝 di), although they are often called "king".

Zhuan Xu (Gaoyang) is said to be a grandson of the Yellow Emperor (his father being Changyi 昌意), Di Ku a great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor (his father being Jiaoji 蟜極, his grand-father being Xuanao 玄囂), Yao a son of Di Ku, and Shun a descendant of Zhuan Xu (his father being Gusou 瞽叟, his grandfather Jiaoniu 蟜牛, his great-grandfather Juwang 句望, whose father was Jingkang 敬康, his father Qiongchan 窮蟬, his father Zhuan Xu).

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