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A universal guide for China studies

Chinese History - Zhou Dynasty 周代 (11th cent.-221 BC)

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Zhou Dynasty
Qin 秦

period before (Shang)
Zhou Dynasty
--Zhou feudal lords
next period (Qin)
Map and Geography I
Map and Geography II
Map and Geography III

The remote fiefdom of Qin was situated in an area surrounded by many Non-Chinese tribes in modern Shaanxi, but the rulers of Qin routed back their origin to Dafei 大費, a son of Nüxiu 女脩 who became pregnant after swallowing a black egg. Dafei is said to have assisted Yu the Great 大禹. Feizi 非子 was the first ruler of the territory of the rivers Wei 渭 and Qian 汧 officially enfeoffed by the king of Zhou 周 as ruler of Qin, but only Duke Xianggong 秦襄公 was accepted as a Chinese lord after he had helped King Zhou Pingwang 周平王 after his flight to the east at the begin of the Spring and Autumn (Chunqiu) 春秋 period. now on, Qin occupied the old territory of Zhou and controlled the whole west of old China. This was an ideal territory for the development of a state with military strength developed by continuous contact with belligerent nomad tribes and with enough resources for the supply of a cavalry. Qin permanently attacked Jin 晉 in modern Shanxi and Chu 楚 in div> [HOME and sitemap: ][top]