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Chinese Literature - medical treatises (yijia 醫家)

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Four Categories 四部 > Masters or Philosophers 子部 > Medical treatises 醫家類Literature by A to Z
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Literature by theme
黃帝內經 素問 靈樞 Huangdi neijing Suwen Lingshu
難經 Nanjing 陳旉 Chen Fu
針灸甲乙經 Zhenjiu jiayi jing 皇甫謐 Huangfu Mi
金匱 Jinkui 張機 Zhang Ji
傷寒論 Shanghanlun 徐光啟 Xu Guangqi
肘后備急方 Zhouhou beijifang 葛洪 Ge Hong

*not contained in the Siku quanshu