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Chinese Literature - Nongshu

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Nongshu 農書 "The Book on Agriculture"

Literature by A to Z
Literature by time
Literature by theme
Literature by Sibu
1-6.農桑通訣 Nongsang Tongjue General notes on agriculture and silk production
7-26.農器圖譜 Nongqi Tupu Pictures and notes on agricultural instruments (etc.):
7.田制門 Tianzhi
8.耒耜門 Leisi
9.钁臿門 Juecha
10.錢鎛門 Qianfu
11.銍艾門 Zhiai
12.杷朳門 Paba
13.蓑笠門 Suoli
14.蓧簣門 Diaokui
15.杵白門 Chubai
16.倉廩門 Canglin
17.鼎釜門 Dingfu
18.舟車門 Zhouche
19.灌漑門 Guangai
20.利用門 Liyong
21.麰麥門 Moumai
22.蠶繅門 Cansao
23.蠶桑門 Cansang
24.織絍門 Zhiren
25.纊絮門 Kuangxu
26.麻紵, 雜錄 Mazhu, Zalu, Miscellaneous
27-36.穀譜 Gupu:Notes on useful plants
27-28.穀屬 Gushu Grain-like crops
29.蓏屬 Luoshu Melon-like crops
30-31.蔬屬 Shushu Vegetables
32-34.果屬 Guoshu Fruits
35.竹木 Zhumu Bamboo and trees
36.雜類 Zalei Miscellaneous plants

Translated by Ulrich Theobald

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