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Chinese Literature - Diamond Sutra (Jingangjing)

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Jingangjing 金剛經 "The Diamond Sutra"

Literature by A to Z
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Literature by Sibu
"Diamond Cutter Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom" (short: Diamond Sutra; Jingang Panruo Boluomi Jing 金剛般若波羅蜜經 - Jingang Jing 金剛經; Prajnaparamita-Vajracchedika-Sutra), translated into Chinese by Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什


The Buddhist law will never break off or disappear

(The Buddha said:) "Sambodhi Subuti (a disciple of the Buddha, chin. Xu Puti or Shanxian), if you ever should have the impression: The Buddha has not acheived the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (highest state of unconcerned consciousness) because of the complete appearance of his body. Sambodhi Subuti, never think that way! The Buddha has not acheived the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi because of the complete appearance of his body. Sambodhi Subuti, if you ever should have this impression: Somebody acheiving the mind of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi is explaining that all the dharma (law of the Buddha) will be broken off and will dissolve. Never think like this." - "What is the reason?" - "Somebody acheiving the mind of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi never says that the dharma will be broken off and will disappear." [bottom][top]


The Bodhisattva is not happy because he does not long for happiness

(The Buddha said:) "Sambodhi Subuti, if a Bodhisattva uses all seven jewels of the earth, innumerable like the grains of sand on the River Ganges bank, to acheive dana (items of worldy luck like capital, strength, wisdom); and if furthermore somebody should understand that all dharma is not only coming out of me, he will find completion in endurance. That means, that the meritorious works of the former Bodhisattvas are much more than that of later Bodhisattvas." - "What is the reason?" - "Sambodhi Subuti, this is because all the Bodhisattvas will never acheive happiness." The Sambodhi Subuti asked the Buddha: "World-Honored One, what means, all the Bodhisattvas will never acheive happiness?" - "Sambodhi Subuti, the happiness of a Bodhisattva is that he does not long for happiness. Therefore I said, a Bodhisattva is never acheiving happiness."

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eir original character and disappeared during the latter half of Tang.

Except the examples in the following frame, there are some more famous Tang poets, like Chen Zi'ang 陳子昂 (661-702), Zhang Jiuling 張九齡 (673-740), Cui Hao 崔顥 (704-754), Liu Changqing 劉長卿 (710-785), Cen Can 岑參 (715-770), Wei Yingwu 韋應物 (b. 736), Master Hanshan 寒山 (fl. 770), Han Yu 韓愈 (768-824), Liu Yuxi 劉禹錫 (772-842), Yuan Zhen 元稹 (779-831), and many more. Even emperors like Tang Taizong 唐太宗 (r. 627-650) and empress Wu Zetian 武則天 (r. 684/690-705) wrote shi poems, and in the Qing anthology Quan Tang shi 全唐詩, we even find the poems of singing girls.

A 五言古詩 Old style poems with five syllables

李白 : 月下獨酌

花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。 - 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。

月既不解飲,影徒隨我身。 - 暫伴月將影,行樂須及春。

我歌月徘徊,我舞影零亂。 - 醒時同交歡,醉後各分散。


Li Bai (701-762) "Drinking alone with the moon"

a pot of wine among the flowers, I drank alone. There was no one with me --

Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon To bring me my shadow and make us three.

Alas, the moon was unable to drink And my shadow tagged me vacantly;

But still for a while I had these friends To cheer me through the end of spring....

I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after.

As long as I knew, we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.

...Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the River of Stars.

樂府 Poems in the style of the Music Bureau

王昌齡 : 塞上曲

蟬鳴空桑林,八月蕭關道。 - 出塞復入塞,處處黃蘆草。

從來幽并客,皆向沙場老。 - 莫學遊俠兒,矜誇紫騮好。

王昌齡 塞下曲

飲馬渡秋水,水寒風似刀。 - 平沙日未沒,黯黯見臨洮。

昔日長城戰,咸言意氣高。 - 黃塵足今古,白骨亂蓬蒿。

Wang Changling (698-756) "At a border fortress" I

Cicadas complain of thin mulberry-trees In the Eighth-month chill at the frontier pass.

Through the gate and back again, all along the road, There is nothing anywhere but yellow reeds and grasses

And the bones of soldiers You and Bing Who have buried their lives in the dusty sand.

...Let never a cavalier stir you to envy With boasts of his horse and his horsemanship

Wang Changling "At a border fortress" II

Drink, my horse, while we cross the autumn water!- The stream is cold and the wind like a sword,

As we watch against the sunset on the sandy plain, Far, far away, shadowy Lingtao.

Old battles, waged by those long walls, Once were proud on all men's tongues.

But antiquity now is a yellow dust, Confusing in the grasses its ruins and white bones.

B 七言古詩 Old style poems with seven syllables

柳宗元 : 漁翁

漁翁夜傍西巖宿,曉汲清湘燃楚燭。 - 煙銷日出不見人,欸乃一聲山水綠。


Liu Zongyuan (733-819) "An old fisherman"

An old fisherman spent the night here, under the western cliff; He dipped up water the pure Hsiang and made a bamboo fire;