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Chinese Literature - Tang Caizi Zhuan

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Tang Caizi Zhuan 唐才子傳 "Biographies of Eminent Tang People"

Literature by A to Z
Literature by time
Literature by theme
Literature by Sibu
by Xin Wenfang's 辛文房 (end 13th cent.)

130. The Biography of Han Yu (768-824)
Han Yu - his style was Han Tuizhi - came Nanyang (modern Henan). He became an orphan in early years and grew up in the house of his elder brother's wife, where he learned to read the old books, wrote diaries of several thousand words and learned of the Hundred Schools of philosophers. In the year 793 (Zhenyuan 8), he graduated the state examination, and he had to present his application to the ministry of rites three times before he obtained an office. Dong Jin presented a plead to give him the office of overseer of penal affairs in the military commission of Xuanwu (or Bian, modern Kaifeng). When the army of Bian rebelled (796), Han Yu submitted to Zhang Jianfeng and served in Zhang's provisory government. Later, when Han Yu served as prefectural censor, he presented a memorial to the throne about the interference of the court eunuchs in market affairs. Emperor Dezong furiously banished him to take over the post of magistrate of Yangshan (modern Guangxi). Exerting an excellent behaviour, he was moved to the post of army inspector in the prefecture of Jiangling (Hubei). During the era Yuanhe (exact: in 809), Han Yu graduated as national doctor and then became magistrate of Henan (Luoyang city). Han Yu had high abilites, like nobody else, but he had to leave his offices several times. Therefore, he wrote an essay called "How to be a successful academician" (Jinshijie), making his own career xamplarious. Because some mighty people feared Han Yu's ability, he was moved to the post of secretary in the ministry of public work, later he was in charge of decretes and edicts, and then he was employed in the central secretariat. Chancellor Pei Du installed the military commando in Huaixi (Henan) and wanted Han Yu to act as "marshal of the tactical army". After the rebellious army was defeated, Han Yu was promoted to secretary in the ministry of justice. When the party of Emperor Xianzong wanted some deposit some relics of the Buddha into the palace, Han Yu protested vehemently against Buddhism. The emperor became so angry that he wanted to have him executed, but the Pei Du and Cui Qun supported Han Yu, and he was only banished to the post as prefect of Chaozhou (Guangdong). During this period, he presented a memorial by which he discribed his situation with sad and touching words and was finally removed to the post of prefect of Yuanzhou (Jiangxi). Later, he entered the palace as overseer of national offering affairs in the ministry of military affairs, then to the ministry of personnel affairs, as overseer of the capital Chang'an, and as imperial censor. He died in 824 (Changqing 4). [...The last sentences are descriptions of Han Yu's overwhelming human and literary abilites.]
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396. yu 雨 (with fenghong 風虹)
397. shan 山 (with qi 溪)
398. shi 石 (with posha 坡沙)
399. shui 水 (with jing 井)
400.-405. bao 寶 (with jinyu 金玉, qian 錢 and qiwu 奇物) 1-6
406.-417. caomu 草木 (with wenlimu 文理木, wugu 五穀, and cha 茶) 1-12
418.-425. long 龍 1-8
426.-4... hu 虎 1-..
464.-476. chushou 畜獸 1-13
447.-455. hu 狐 1-9
456.-459. she 蛇 1-4
460.-463. qinniao 禽鳥 1-4
464.-472. shuizu 水族 1-9 (mit gui 龜)
473.-476. kunchong 昆虫 1-4

Taiping Yulan
Taiping Guangji
Cefu Yuangui
Wenyan Yinghua
泰山老父者,莫知姓字。漢武帝東巡狩,見老翁鋤於道旁。頭上白光高數尺。怪而問之。 老人狀如五十許人,面有童子之色,肌膚光華,不與俗同。帝問有何道術。對曰:「臣年八十五時,衰老垂死,頭白齒落。遇有道者,教臣絕穀,但服術飲水。并作神枕,枕中有三十二物。其三十二物中,有二十四物以當二十四氣,八毒以應八風。 臣行之,轉老為少,黑髮更生,齒落復出,日行三百里。臣今一百八十歲矣。」帝受其方,賜玉帛。老父後入岱山中。每十年五年,時還鄉里。三百餘年,乃不復還。
Fairies: The Old Father Taishan Mountain (also recorded in Ge Hong's 葛洪 (d. 343) Shenxianzhuan 神仙傳 "Biographies of Fairies")
Nobody knows the real name of the Old Father Taishan Mountain. When emperor Han Wudi the Martial (r. 140-87 BC) came along during an hunting travel, he saw an old man working with a hoe besides the way. Over his head was a white gleam, several feet high. The emperor asked what wonderful event that could be. When the old man looked up, he seemed to be some fifty years old, but his face was fresh like that of a small boy, with a smooth and sleek skin. Again, the emperor asked and wanted to know what magic the old man used to look like this. The man said: "I am eighty-five years old, I am already weak and I will die soon, my hair is white and I have lost all my teeth. Once I met somebody experienced with magic, and he told me, to give up eating grain. I should better eat podophyllum and drink pure water. And he made me a magic pillar, containing thirty-two things. Twenty-four of these things corresponded with the Twenty-four Vapours, and the other eight poisons corresponded to the Eight Diseases. Following his advices, my aging became slower, black hair came out again, my teeth grow once more, and I was able to walk three hundred miles a day. I am now one hundred and eighty years old." The emperor got his receipt and bestowed him many jade and silk. Later, the old man went into the Taishan (Daishan) mountains. Every five or ten years, he came back to his home village, but more than three hundred years later, he did never come back again.
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