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Shiji 史記 "Records of the Grand Scribe" by Sima Tan 司馬談 and Sima Qian 司馬遷

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The first universal history of China was the Shiji 史記 "Records of the Grand Scribe", written by Sima Tan 司馬談 (d. ca. 110 BC) and his son Sima Qian 司馬遷 (145-86 BC), who both were court astrologers (taishi) 太史 during the Former Han Dynasty. The office of astrologer was very important to interprete and predict the course of government according to the stars and heavenly phenomena like sun eclipses, earthquakes, drought and so on.
Sima Qian completed the work of his father although he has been castrated for sympathizing with a general that had lost a battle. The pattern of his historiographic work was unique and should serve as model for the official standard histories of the imperial dynasties for the next two thousand years. The official histories of China are compilated to the corpus of Twenty-five Histories (Ershiwu Shi 二十五史).
The first four official Chinese historiographies are called together the "Four Historiographies" (Sishi 四史): The Shiji (reporting events the Yellow Emperor to Emperor Han Wudi) by Sima Tan and Qian, the Hanshu 漢書 (History of Former Han) by Ban Gu 班固, the Hou Hanshu 後漢書 (History of Later Han) by Fan Ye 范曄, and the Sanguozhi 三國志 (History of the Three Kingdoms) by Chen Shou 陳壽.
Sima father and son used a biographical type (jizhuanti 紀傳體) of historiography instead of an annalistic type (biannianti 編年體). They distinguish the following types of chapters:
1.-12. Benji 本紀 Imperial Biographies 1-12:
the Five Mythical Emperors 五帝 (1); the Xia 夏 (2); Yin 殷 (Shang; 3); and Zhou Dynasties 周 (4); the rise of Qin 秦 (5); the First Emperor of Qin 秦始皇 (6); the hegemonial king Xiang Yu 項羽 (7); and the Han rulers Han Gaozu 高祖 (8); Empress Lü 呂太后 (9); emperors Han Wendi 孝文 (10); Han Jingdi 孝景 (11); and Han Wudi 孝武 (12).
13.-22. Biao 表 Tables 1-10:
genealogical tree of the Three Holy Dynasties 三代世表 (13); year-by-year tables of the Zhou feudal rulers 十二諸侯年表 (14) and 六國年表 (15); the war between Chu and Han 秦楚之際月表 (16); the imperial princes ("kings") of Han 漢興以來諸侯王年表 (17); the noblemen of early Han 高祖功臣侯者年表 (18); of the time of Huidi and Jingdi 惠景閒侯者年表 (19); and of emperor Wudi 建元以來侯者年表 (20); the imperial princes of Wudi 建元已來王子侯者年表 (21); and the highest officers of Han 漢興以來將相名臣年表 (22).
23.-30. Shu 書 Treatises 1-8:
23.禮 Li Rites
24.樂 Yue Music
25.律 Harmony and Measurements
26.曆 Li Calendar
27.天官 Tianguan Astronomy
28.封禪 Fengshan The sacrifices to Heaven and Earth
29.河渠 Hequ Rivers and Canals
30.平準 Pingzhun Equalizing agronomical matters
31.-60. Shijia 世家 Biographies of the Feudal Houses and Eminent Persons 1-30:
Wu 吳太伯 (31); Qi 齊太公 (32); Lu 魯周公 (33); Yan 燕召公 (34); Guan and Cai 管蔡 (35); Chen and Qi (Qy) 陳杞 (36); Wei (Wey) 衛康叔 (37); Song 宋微子 (38); Jin 晉 (39); Chu 楚 (40); Yue 越王句踐 (41); Zheng 鄭 (42); Zhao 趙 (43); Wei 魏 (44); Han (Hann) 韓 (45); the House of Tian in Qi 田敬仲完 (46);
Confucius 孔子 (47);
Chen She, the rebel against Qin 陳涉 (48);
empresses and their clans 外戚 (49); the imperial princes of Chu 楚元王 (50); Jing and Yan 荊燕 (51); and Qi 齊悼惠王 (52); chancellor Xiang He 蕭相國 (53); chancellor Cao Can 曹相國 (54); Zhang Liang, Marquis of Liu 留侯世 (55); chancellor Chen Ping 陳丞相 (56); Zhou Bo, Marquis of Jiang 絳侯周勃 (57); the imperial prince of Liang 梁孝王 (58); the five mothers of Emperos Jingdi's sons 五宗 (59); the imperial princes of Qi, Yan, and Guangling 三王 (60).
61.-129 Liezhuan 列傳 Biographies and Collective Biographies 1-69:
Boyi 伯夷 (61); Guan Zhong and Yan Ying 管晏 (62); Laozi, (Zhuangzi, Shen Buhai,) and Han Feizi 老子韓非 (63); Sima Rangju 司馬穰苴 (64); Sunzi and Wu Qi 孫子吳起 (65); Wu Zixu 伍子胥 (66); Confucius' Disciples仲尼弟子 (67); Shang Yang 商君 (68); Su Qin 蘇秦 (69); Zhang Yi 張儀 (70); Shu Lizi, Gan Mao (, and Gan Luo) 樗里子甘茂 (71); Marquis Rang 穰侯 (72); Bai Qi and Wang Jian 白起王翦 (73); Mengzi and Xunzi 孟子荀卿 (74); Lord Mengchang 孟嘗君 (75); Lord Pingyuan and Yu Qing 平原君虞卿 (76); the sons of Duke Wei 魏公子 (77); Lord Chunshen 春申君 (78); Fan Sui and Cai Ze 范睢蔡澤 (79); Yue/Le? Yi 樂毅 (80); Lian Po and Lin Xiangru 廉頗藺相如 (81); Tian Dan 田單 (82); Lu Zhonglian and Zou Yan 魯仲連鄒陽 (83); Qu Yuan and Jia Yi 屈原賈生 (84); Lü Buwei 呂不韋生 (85);
The Assassins Cao Mo, Zhuan Zhu, Yu Rang, Nie Zheng, and Jing Ke 刺客 Cike (86); Li Si, chancellor of Qin 李斯 (87); Meng Tian, general of Qin 蒙恬 (88);
the rebels against Qin and people of early Han:
Zhang Er and Chen Yu 張耳陳餘 (89); Wei Bao and Peng Yue 魏豹彭越 (90); Qian Bu 黥布 (91); Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyang 淮陰侯 (92); King Han Xin (Hann Xinn), Lu Wan (, and Chen Xi) 韓信盧綰 (93); Tian Dan 田儋 (94); Fan Kuai, Li Shang, Xiahou (Teng) Ying, and Guan Ying 樊酈滕灌 (95); chancellor Zhang Cang 張丞相 (96); Li Sheng, Lu Jia (, and Zhu Jian) 酈生陸賈 (97); Fu Kuan, (Jin She,) and Zhou OOO, Marquis of Kuaicheng 傅靳蒯成 (98); Liu Jing and Shusun Tong 劉敬叔孫通 (99); Ji Bu and Luan Bu 季布欒布 (100);
Yuan Ang and Zhao Cuo 袁盎晁錯 (101); Zhang Shizhi and Feng Tang 張釋之馮唐 (102); Wan Shijun, (Wei Wan, Zhi Buyi, Zhou Wen,) and Zhang Shu 萬石張叔 (103); Tian Shu 田叔 (104); Pian Xi and Taicang Gong 扁鵲倉公 (105); Liu Bi, Prince of Wu 吳王濞 (106); Dou Ying, Marquis of Weiqi, and Tian Fen, Marquis of Wuan 魏其武安侯 (107); Han Changru 韓長孺 (108); General Li Guang 李將軍 (109);
the Xiongnu tribes 匈奴 (110)
Cavalry General Wei Qing 衛將軍驃騎 (111); Gongsun Hou, Marquis of Pingjin, and Zhufu Yan 平津侯主父 (112);
the Southern Yue tribes 南越 (113); the Eastern Yue tribes 東越 (114); Korea 朝鮮 (115); the barbarian tribes in the southwest 西南夷 (116);
Sima Xiangru 司馬相如 (117); the imperial princes of Huainan and Hengshan 淮南衡山 (118);
the Benevolent Officials 循吏 Xunli (119); Ji An and Zheng Dangshi 汲鄭 (120); the Scholars 儒林 Rulin (121); the Crual Officials 酷吏 Kuli (122);
the kingdom of Dayue 大宛 in the west (123);
the Wandering Knights 游俠 Youxia (124); the Flatterers佞幸 Ningxing (125); the Humorists 滑稽 Huaji (126); the Soothsayers 日者 Rizhe (127); the Diviners 龜策 Guice (128); the Profiteers 貨殖 Huozhi (129)
130.太史公自序 Taishigong Zixu Preface and Autobiography of Sima Qian
The three commentators (Sanjia Zhu 三家注) of the Shiji are:
1) the 集解 Jijie "Collected Explanations" commentary by Pei Yin 裴駰
2) the 索 隱 Suoyin "Guiderope to Obscurities" commentary by Sima Zhen 司馬貞
3) the 正義 Zhengyi "Correct Meaning" commentary by Zhang Shoujie 張守節
There are lots of translations of the Shiji into English, the most important being the Burton Watson translation.

上遂東巡海上,行禮祠八神。四月,還至奉高。上念諸儒及方士言封禪人人殊,不經,難施行。天子至梁父,禮祠地主。乙卯,令侍中儒者皮 弁薦紳,射牛行事。封泰山下東方,如郊祠泰一之禮。封廣丈二 尺,高九尺,其下則有玉牒書,書祕。禮畢,天子獨與侍中奉車 子侯上泰山,亦有封.其事皆禁。明日,下陰道.丙辰,禪泰山下阯東北肅然山,如祭后土禮。 天子皆親拜見,衣上黃而盡用樂焉。天子從封禪還,坐明堂,群臣更上壽.

Imperial Biographies: No. 12, Biography of the Filial Emperor Xiao-Wudi the Martial (r. 140-87 BC), translated by Ulrich Theobald

The emperor traveled, and then went eastwards, where he passed along and inspected the sea-cost. He made sacrifices and offerings to the Eight Spirits... In the fourth month, the emperor came back to Fenggao, where he thought about the words of the scholars and the magicians about the fengshan sacrifices for Heaven and Earth, that were all so confusing and misleading that is would be impossible to follow them. Thereupon the emperor went to the Liangfu summit to sacrifice the Lord of the Land, or Dizhu. On the day yimao, he ordered the official secretaries to wear their leather caps and the pinned official clothes and to perform the ritual shooting of oxen. In the east of Mount Tai, he had an altar erected for the Heavenly sacrifice that had to be performed like the sacrifice to the Great Unity in the suburbs. The altar was two zhang wide and nine zhang high, at the base of the altar a precious book-case was lying, but nobody knew what its content was. When the sacrifice was finished, the Son of Heaven alone with only a few secretaries and riding the carriage of (Huo) Zihou ascended Mount Tai to perform the feng sacrifice to Heaven once more. The performance of the sacrifice was thoroughly secret. On the next day he descended on the northern slope of the mountain. On the day bingchen, the emperor performed the chan sacrifice to the Earth at the north eastern corner of Mount Suran, like the sacrifice for the Mother Earth, or Houtu, is performed. All was performed by the emperor himself. We wore yellow clothes, and all ceremonies were accompanied by music... When the Son of Heaven came back the fengshan sacrifices, he seated himself in the Clear Hall, where all ministers and officials wished him a long life.


In the summer, the Han dynasty corrected the calendar and took the first month as the beginning of the year. The color of the dynasty was changed up to yellow, the official titles and the official seals were altered with the Five as leading number. The year was thus called the first year of the rule tilte "Great Commencing". During this year, the Han empire attacked Ferghana (Dayuan). A huge flock of locusts arose. Lady Ding and a wife Luoyang called Yu Chu used sorcery as a means of casting spells against the Xiongnu and the realm of Ferghana.



Hanshu, Imperial Biographies: No. 6, Biography of Emperor Wudi, translated by Homer Dubs

The emperor traveled, and then went eastwards, where he passed along and inspected the sea-cost. In the summer, the fourth month, on the day guimao, the emperor returned, and ascended and performed the sacrifice feng upon Mount Tai. The emperor descended the mountain and seated himself in the Clear Hall.

五月,正歷以正月為歲首,色上黃,數用五。定官名,協音律。遣因杅將軍 公孫敖築塞外受降城。秋八月行幸安定,遣貳師將軍李廣利發天下?民西征大宛。蝗從東方飛至敦煌。

In the summer, the fifth month, the emperor corrected the calendar and took the first month as the beginning of the year; among the colors, he took yellow as the ruling color, and among the numbers, he used five. He fixed official titles and harmonized the sounds of the musical pipes. The emperor sent the General of Yinyu, Gongsun Ao, to buld the fortress Shouxiang outside of the barriers. In the autumn, the eight month, the emperor traveled and favored the commandery Anding. He sent the General of Sutrishna (Ershi), Li Guangli, to mobilize the reprobated common people of the empire, to go west and make an expedition against Ferghana (Dayuan). Locusts flew the eastern quarter and reached Dunhuang commandery.

<史記表>14.<十二諸侯年表第二> Tables: No. 2 Table of the Twelve Fiefdoms, translated by Ulrich Theobald

周 Zhou

十七 17th (year of King Ling 周靈王 = 555 BC)

魯 Lu

十八 18th (year of Duke Xiang 魯襄公)

與晉伐齊。 With Jin attacking Qi

齊 Qi

二十七 27th (year of Duke Ling 齊靈公)

晉圍臨淄。晏嬰。 Jin besieged the capital Linzi. Master Yan Ying (acted as Qi's advisor)

晉 Jin

三 3rd (year of Duke Ping 晉平公)

率魯、宋、鄭、衛圍齊,大破之。 Leading Lu, Song, Zheng and Wei to besiege Qi, thoroughly defeated them.

秦 Qin

二十二 23rd (year of Duke Jing 秦景公)

楚 Chu

五 5th (year of King Kang 楚康王)

伐鄭。 Attacking Zheng.

宋 Song

二十一 21st (year of Duke Ping 宋平公)

晉率我伐齊。 Jin lead us in attacking Qi.

衛 Wey

四 4th (year of Duke Shang 衛殤公)

陳 Chen

十四 14th (year of Duke Ai 陳哀公)

蔡 Cai

三十七 37th (year of Marquis Jing 蔡景侯)

曹 Cao

二十三 23rd (year of Duke Cheng 曹成公)

成公薨。 Duke Cheng passed away.

鄭 Zheng

十一 11st (year of Duke Jian 鄭簡公)

晉率我圍齊。楚伐我。 Jin lead us in besieging Qi. Chu attacked us.

燕 Yan

十九 19th (year of Duke Wu 燕武公)

武公薨。 Duke Wu passed away.

吳 Wu

六 6th (year of King Zhufan 吳王諸樊)



Treatises: No. 6, Treatise about the sacrifice for Heaven and Earth, translated by Burton Watson

When the First Emperor (r. 246/221-210) was ascending Mount Tai he encountered a violent wind and rain storm halfway up the slope and had to stop for a while under large trees. The Confucian scholars, who had been dismissed and were not allowed to take part in the ritual of the feng sacrifice to Heaven, hearing of the Emperor's encounter with the storm, promptly used it as a basis to speak ill of him.

於是始皇遂東遊海上,行禮祠名山大川及八神,求僊人羨門之屬。八神將自古而有之,或曰太公以來作之。 齊所以為齊,以天齊也.其祀絕莫知起時。八神:一曰天主,祠天齊。天齊淵水,居臨菑南郊山下者。二曰 地主,祠泰山梁父。蓋天好陰,祠之必於高山之下,小山之上,命曰「畤」;地貴陽,祭之必於澤中圜丘云。

The First Emperor then proceeded east on his journey as far as the borders of the sea, stopping along the way to perform rituals and sacrifices to the various mountains and great rivers and to the Eight Spirits, and searching for immortal spirits such as Xianmen and his companions. The Eight spirits appear to have existed ancient times. Some people say that their worship was begun at the time of the Great Duke, the first lord of the state of Qi at the beginning of the Zhou dynasty. But since the sacrifices were later discontinued, no one knows exactly when they originated. Of the Eight spirits, the first was called the Lord of Heaven, or Tianzhu; sacrifices to him were offered at the Navel of Heaven. The Navel of Heaven, or Tianqi, is the name of a spring situated at the foot of a mountain in the southern suburbs of the city of Linzi. It is said that the state of Qi takes its name this place. The second was called Lord of the Land, or Dizhu, and was sacrificed to at Liangfu near Mount Tai. It appears that since Heaven loves the yin, the principle of darkness, it must be worshiped at the foot of a high mountain or on top of a small hill, at a place called an "altar"; while because Earth honors the yang, the principle of light, the sacrifices to it must always be conducted on a round hill in the midst of a lowland.



Biographies of Eminent Persons: No. 9, The House of Jin, translated by Ulrich Theobald

In the fifteenth year of his reign, Duke Dao the Mournful of Jin (r. 573-558 BC) asked Shi Kuang about government, who said: "Benevolence and righteousness shall be the base of your politics." In the winter, Duke Dao died, and his son Biao followed as the later Duke Ping the Appeaser (r. 558-532). In the first year of Duke Ping's reign, he attacked Qi. Jin met with the armies of Duke Ling the Clever (r. 582-554) to battle at Mixia. The army of Qi was defeated, soldiers started to run away. Master Yan told the Duke of Qi: "My Lord, don't be too foolhardy, why don't you stop battling?" The Duke stopped fighting and withdraw. The troops of Jin followed them and besieged Linzi, the capital of Qi, burned down the houses and massacred the people. In the east, the troops of Jin reached Jiao and advanced to the south until they came to Yi, but when Qi was able to defend all its cities, the troops of Jin withdraw.


晏平仲嬰者,萊之夷維人也。事齊靈公﹑莊公﹑景公,以節儉力行重於齊。既相齊,食不重肉,妾不衣帛。 其在朝,君語及之,即危言;語不及之,即危行。國有道,即順命;無道,即衡命。以此三世顯名於諸侯。

Biographies: No. 2, Biographies of Guan (Zhong) and Yan (Ying), translated by Ulrich Theobald

Yan Pingzhong, also named Ying, was of barbarian descent of the old country of Lai. He served the Dukes Ling the Clever (r. 582-555 BC), Zhuang the Dignified (r. 554-549) and Jing the Luminous (r. 548-491) of Qi. Because of his austerity and his efforts, he was greatly appreciated by the people of Qi. When he became prime minister of Qi, he did not eat meat, and his wifes did not wear silk. At the court, when the Lord asked him for his advice, he answered very carefully, but when he was not asked, he at least behaved very carefully. When the state was running on the right path, he behaved according to his position, but when the state did not run on the right way, he weighed and measured his position. Doing this, he could make the three generations of rulers he served the most famous under all the rulers of their time.

越石父賢,在縲紲中。晏子出,遭之塗,解左驂贖之,載歸。弗謝,入閨。久之,越石父請絕。晏子戄然,攝衣冠謝曰:「嬰雖不仁,免子於?,何子求絕之速也?」石父曰:「不然。吾聞君子詘於不知己而信於知己者。吾在縲紲中,彼不知我也。夫子既已感寤而贖我,是知己;知己而無禮,固不如在縲紲之中。」晏子於是延入為 上客。

Yue Shifu was a capable man, but because of some crime, he was in prison. When Master Yan once went out and met him on the way, he loosened a horse his carriage and ransomed him. Together, they went home, and Master Yan let him stay in his house for a very long time without giving him farewell. Finally, Yue Shifu wanted to leave his host. Master Yan was surprised, took off his robe and cap and said to him, apologizing: "Although I am not very benevolent, I helped you to get out of great trouble. Why do you want to leave me that early?" Shifu answered: "Don't talk like this. I heard, your eminence is mistrusted by people that do not know themselves, and you are trusted by people that know themselves. When I was in prison, these people did not understand me. But you had a really feeling for me and freed me, that is knowing oneself. Knowing oneself, but acting without politeness, that is shurely not as bad as being in chains." Thereupon, Master Yan asked him to be one of his retainers.

Translated by Burton Watson, resp. Ulrich Theobald

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