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Huangdi neijing 黃帝內經 "The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor"

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The most important book of Chinese medicine and a very important book of Daoist practice is the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine (Huangdi neijing 黃帝內徑), said to have been compiled by the mythical Yellow Emperor 黃帝. It consists of two parts, the Suwen 素問 "questions of fundamental nature" and the Lingshu 靈樞 "spiritual pivot", a book also called Zhenjing 針經 "Classic of Acupuncture" because the latter is its main content . The book is concepted as a dialog between the Yellow Emperor and Qi Bo 歧伯, his doctor.
1. 上古天真論
黃帝乃問於太師歧伯:「余聞上古之人,春秋皆度百歲,而動作不衰。今時之人,年半百而動作皆衰者,時世異耶?人將失之耶?」歧伯對曰:「今時之人不然也,以酒為漿,以妄為常,醉以入房,以欲竭其精,以耗散其真, 不知持滿,不時御神,務決其心,逆於生樂,起居無節,故半百而衰也。」
The universal truth
During his reign, the Yellow Emperor discoursed on medicine, health, lifestyle, nutrition, and Taoist cosmology with his ministers Qi Bo, Lei Gong, and others. Their first discussion began with the Yellow Emperor inquiring, "I have heard that in the days of old everyone lived one hundred years without showing the usual signs of aging. In our time, however, people age prematurely, living only fifty years. Is this due to a change in the environment, or is it because people have lost the correct way of life?" Qi Bo replied, "... These days, people have changed their way of life. They drink wine as though it were water, indulge excessively in destructive activities, drain their jing (the body's essence that is stored in the kidneys) and deplete their qi (energy). They do not know the secret of conserving their energy and vitality. Seeking emotional excitement and momentary pleasures, people disregard the natural rhythm and order of the universe. They fail to regulate their lifestyle and diet, and sleep improperly. So it is not surprising that they look old at fifty and die soon after..."

4. 金匱真言論
The truth the golden chamber
天 Heaven 方位 direction 東 east 南 south 中 center 西 west 北 north
季節 season 春 spring 夏 summer 長夏 late summer 秋 autumn 冬 winter
氣候 weather 風 wind 熱 heat 濕 damp 燥 dry 寒 cold
星宿 planet 歲星 jupiter 熒惑星 mars 鎮星 saturn 太白星 venus 辰星 mercury
生成數 numerology 3+5=8 2+5=7 5 4+5=9 1+5=6
地 Earth 品類 element 草木 plants 火 fire 土 soil 金 metal 水 water
五畜 animal 雞 chicken 羊 goat 牛 cow 馬 horse 彘 pig
五穀 cereal 麥 wheat shu-millet ji-millet 穀 rice 豆 bean
五音 music jiao (lute) zheng (pipe) gong (drum) shang (resonant) yu (string)
五色 color 青 green 赤 red 黃 yellow 白 white 黑 black
五味 flavor 酸 sour 苦 bitter 甘 sweet 辛 pungent 鹹 salty
五臭 smell 臊 urine 焦 scorched 香 fragrant 腥 fishy 腐 rotten
人 Man 五臟 zang organ 肝 liver 心 heart 脾 spleen 肺 lung 腎 kidney
九竅 orifice 目 eyes 耳 ears .