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Chinese History - Western Xia Dynasty 西夏 (1038-1227)

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Western Xia Dynasty
government and administration

period before (Five Dynasties)
-- Song Dynasty
-- Liao Dynasty
-- Jin Dynasty
next period (Yuan)
Map and Geography

The political system of the Western Xia empire was a mixture between the old Tangut clan (buluo 部落, boluo 蕃落) structures and the system of the Song Dynasty 宋 bureaucracy. While the chieftains of the Tuoba 拓跋 clan (don’t mix them up with the Northern Wei 北魏 Tuoba) were bestowed by the Chinese rulers of the Tang and the Five Dynasties with Chinese offices like military commissioner (jiedushi 節度使) over the areas where a larger Chinese population dwelled, the rest of the Xia kingdom and later empire was ruled by Tangut chieftains (qiuzhang 酋長) that were relatively autonomous heads of their tribe. Emperor Li Yuanhao 李元昊 (Xixia Jingzong 西夏景宗) in 1033 introduced the Chinese administration structure of the Song Dynasty, including the highest institutions of state secretariate (zhongshu 中書), bureau of military affairs (shumiyuan 樞密院), three military, judicial and fiscal offices or agencies (sansi 三司), the censorate (yushitai 衘史台), and the subordinated directorates and offices for the administration of the state finances, state rites, and the imperial court. Most offices were open for both Chinese and Non-Chinese, but some were restricted to Tanguts. In the sphere of civil and crimial law, traditional Tangut laws were employed for a long time, but more and more articles of the Song code were implemented in the Western Xia law code, especially under Emperor Li Renxiao 李仁孝 (Xixia Renzong 西夏仁宗) who had composed the Tiansheng lüling 天盛律令 codex.
The armies were composed of recruited pesasants that had to provide armament, weapons and feeding for themselves. The higher organisation with the officers were composed of Tangut or Non-Chinese people that provided a horse and a camel for themselves. Higher officers took part in a council of war and used to swear a blood oath for loyalty. The Xia rulers often lead troops in own person and commanded a special imperial force and cavalry.

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