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Chinese History - Jin Dynasty 金 (1115-1234)

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Jin Dynasty
emperors and rulers

period before (Five Dynasties)
-- Song Dynasty
--aLiao Dynasty
-- Xixia Empire
next period (Yuan)
Map and Geography
See also titles of rulers.

Rulers of the Jin Dynasty 金 (1115-1234)

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Jin Taizu 金太祖
-----Shouguo 收國
-----Tianfu 天輔 1117
Wanyan Min 完顏旻 (Aguda 阿骨打)1115-1123
Jin Taizong 金太宗
-----Tianhui 天會
Wanyan Sheng; not -cheng! 完顏晟1123-1135
Jin Xizong 金熙宗
-----Tianhui 天會
-----Tianjuan 天眷 1138
-----Huangtong 皇統 1141
Wanyan Dan 完顏亶1135-1149
(The Prince of Hailing 海陵王)
-----Tiande 天德
-----Zhenyuan 貞元 1153
-----Zhenglong 正隆 1156
Wanyan Liang 完顏亮1149-1161
Jin Shizong 金世宗
-----Dading 大定
Wanyan Yong 完顏雍1161-1190
Jin Zhangzong 金章宗
-----Mingchang 明昌
-----Cheng'an 承安 1196
-----Taihe 泰和 1201
Wanyan Jing 完顏璟1190-1209
(The Prince of Weishao 衛紹王)
-----Daan 大安
-----Chongqing 崇慶 1212
-----Zhining 至寧 1213
Wanyan Yongji 完顏永濟 (Yunji 允濟)1209-1213
Jin Xuanzong 金宣宗
-----Zhenyou 貞祐
-----Xingding 興定 1217
-----Yuanguang 元光 1222
Wanyan Xun 完顏珣1213-1224
Jin Aizong 金哀宗
-----< >Zhengda 正大
-----Kaixing 開興 1232
-----Tianxing 天興 1232
Wanyan Shouxu 完顏守緒1224-1234
The Last Emperor (Mozhu) 金末帝
-----Shengcha 盛昌
-----Tianxing 天興
Wanyan Chenglin 完顏承鱗1234

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were the patriarchs Han Daoxi 韓道熙, Xiao Zhongchong 肖忠沖, and Xiao Fudao 肖輔道. Because the philosophical depth of this school was not too deep, it vanished during the Yuan Dynasty.
In contrast, the philosophical and ethical rules (jiu tiao daojie 九條道戒 "Nine Daoist Rules") of the Dadao School 大道教 were much more elaborated and concrete and in many aspects considered the ethical behaviour of Chinese society that was deeply influenced by Confucian thought, and of the philosophy of Laozi who focused on tranquility of lifestyle. The Dadao School was also officially recognized, Liu Deren's followers were Chen Shizheng 陳師正, Zhang Xinzhen 張信真, and Mao Xicong 毛希琮. After the Mongol conquest, Li Xicheng 酈希誠 became the leader of this school that was renamed Zhenda School 真大道.
The most important of the three new Daoist schools was the Quanzhen School 全真道 that is still existant today.

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n system of the central government (see administration of the Jin). Court intrigues among the Jurchen warrior aristocracy lead to the downfall of Wanyan Zonghan's group and the rise of Wanyan Chang 完顏昌 and Wanyan Zongpan 完顏宗磐 who on their own side were again ousted by Wanyan Xiyin, Wanyan Zonggan 完顏宗幹, and Wanyan Zongbi. The capital was shifted to Bianjing 汴京 (Kaifeng) in 1140. In the next year, a treaty between Song China and the Jin emperor fixed the course of the River Huai 淮河 as border between the two empires. The last years of Jin Xizong's reign are characterized by the influence of the clan of this consort, the family Peiman 裴滿. In 1149 Wanyan Dan was murdered by marshal Wanyan Liang 完顏亮, Prince of Hailing 海陵王.
The first steps of Prince Hailing in his government were to weaken the imperial family by executing the sons and grand-sons of Jin Taizong and to appoint Non-Jurchen people with the highest state offices that until then were occupied by members of the Wanyan clan: Da ??? 大[白/大] and Zhang Hao 張浩 were people of Bohai, Zhang Tonggu 張通古 was a Chinese, and Xiao Yu 蕭裕 Xi 奚. He refo