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Chinese History - Ming Dynasty 明朝 (1368-1644)

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Ming Dynasty
rulers and emperors

period before (Yuan Dynasty)
next period (Qing)
Map and Geography
See also titles of rulers.

The Rulers of Ming Dynasty 大明朝 (1368-1644)

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name

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t; (Chinese: Dada 韃靼). In the northwest, we find the independant kingdoms of Turfan (Chinese: Tulufan 土魯番), Tumet (Chinese: Tumote 土魔特), and Tibet (Chinese: Zang 藏), governed under the theocrat Dalai Lama regime. In the south, Vietnam was governed by the Tran Dynasty 陳朝 (1225-1400), later the Lê Dynasty 黎朝 (1428-1558).

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