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Chinese History - Qin Dynasty 秦朝 (221-206 BC)

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Qin Dynasty
emperors and rulers

period before (Zhou)
-- Postlude: Chu-Han
next period (Han)
Map and Geography

Dukes and Kings of Qin 秦 the 4th century to 221 BC

Capitals: Yong 雍, Jingyang 涇陽, Liyang 櫟陽
Duke Qin Xiaogong 秦孝公361-338
King Qin Huiwenwang 秦惠文王337-311
Qin Wuwang 秦武王310-307
Qin Zhaoxiangwang 秦昭襄王306-251
Qin Xiaowenwang 秦孝文王250
Qin Zhuangxiangwang 秦莊襄王249-247
Ying Zheng, King of Qin 秦王嬴政; emperor in 221246-221/210

The Emperors of the Qin Dynasty 秦 (221-206 BC)

Capital: Xianyang 咸陽

dynastic title

personal name


Qin Shihuangdi 秦始皇帝 the First August Emperor of QinYing Zheng 嬴政246/221-210 BC
Qin Ershi Huangdi 二 世皇帝 the Second August Emperor of QinYing Huhai 嬴胡亥209-207 BC
The King of Qin 秦王, sometimes called the Third August Emperor 三世皇帝 Ying Ziying 嬴子嬰207 BC

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a general term for "barbarians"), a long fortification wall (the Great Wall; Changcheng 長城) was built along the northern frontier, in the map shown as a black line.
A very important instrument to control the local governors were the inspection tours of the First Emperor, in the map shown with red lines. In 210, the Emperor died during an inspection tour (big dot).
After the death of the First Emperor, local leaders rose against the Qin Dynasty, defeated the Qin armies and sacked the capital.

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