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Chinese History - Three Kingdoms 三國 (220-280)

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Three Kingdoms
emperors and rulers of Wu 吳

period before (Han)
next period (Jin)
Map and Geography

The Rulers of the Wu 吳 Empire (222-280)

Capital: Jianye 建業 (modern Nanjing/Jiangsu

dynastic title
----reign mottos (first year)

temple name

personal name


Wu Dadi 吳大帝
-----Huangwu 黃武 222
-----Huanglong 黃龍 229
-----Jiahe 嘉禾 232
-----Chiwu 赤烏 238
-----Taiyuan 太元 251
-----Shenfeng 神鳳 252
Wu Taizu 吳太祖Sun Quan 孫權222-252
The King of Guiji 會稽王
-----Jianxing 建興 252
-----Wufeng 五鳳 254
-----Taiping 太平 256
The Deposed Emperor (Feidi) 廢帝, or the Young Emperor (Youdi) 幼帝Sun Liang 孫亮252-257
Wu Jingdi 吳景帝
-----Yongan 永安 258
Sun Xiu 孫休258-263
The Last Emperor (Modi 末帝)
-----Yuanxing 元興 264
-----Ganlu 甘露 265
-----Baoding 寶鼎 266
-----Jianheng 建衡 269
-----Fenghuang 鳳凰 272
-----Tiance 天冊 275
-----Tianxi 天璽 276
-----Tianji 天紀 277
The Marquis of Wucheng 烏程侯, Marquis Rendering back the Heavenly Mandate (Guiminghou) 歸命侯Sun Hao 孫皓264-280

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