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Chinese History - The Sixteen Kingdoms 五胡十六國 (300~430)

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The Sixteen Kingdoms
Western Qin 西秦

period before (Jin Dynasty)
-- Southern Dynasties
-- Northern Wei
next period (Sui)

Southern and Northern Dynasties overview

Qifu Guoren 乞伏國仁, a Xianbi 鮮卑 ethnic, served as a local general to the Former Qin (Qianqin 前秦) Kingdom before he established his own empire in 385. His son Qifu Qiangui 乞伏乾歸 had to submit to the Later Qin (Houqin 後秦) rulers for a couple of years. Qifu Mumo 乞伏暮末, described as a brutal ruler, was subdued by the empire of Xia 夏. The weak position of Western Qin was the frontline that lead to permanent warfare with neighboring kingdoms.The Qin empire is named after the old feudal state of Qin 秦 during the Zhou Dynasty 周.

See also titles of rulers.

Note: The rulers of the sideline dynasties are usually not called with their posthumous dynastic titles but with their personal names as they are not accepted as righteous rulers by official historiographies.

Rulers of Western Qin (Xiqin) 西秦 (385-431)

Capitals: Yuanchuan 苑川 (modern Yuzhong 榆中/Gansu), Jincheng 金城 (near modern Lanzhou/Gansu), Baohan 枹罕 (near modern Linxia 臨夏/Gansu),

Ethnicity: Xianbi 鮮卑, clan or subtribe of Qifu 乞伏

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Xiqin Xuanliewang 西秦宣烈王 (Liewang 烈王)
-----Jianyi 建義 385
Xiqin Liezu 西秦烈祖Qifu Guoren 乞伏國仁385-387
Xiqin Wuyuanwang 西秦武元王, The Prince of Henan 河南王
-----Taichu 太初 388
-----Gengshi 更始 408
Xiqin Gaozu 西秦高祖Qifu Qiangui 乞伏乾歸388-400, 408-411
Xiqin Wenzhaowang 西秦文昭王
-----Yongkang 永康 412
-----Jianhong 建弘 420
Xiqin Taizu 西秦太祖Qifu Chipan 乞伏熾盤412-427
The Last Ruler (Houzhu) 西秦後主
-----Yonghong 永弘 428

conquered by Xia

Qifu Mumo 乞伏暮末428-431

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