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Chinese History - The Sixteen Kingdoms 五胡十六國 (300~430)

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The Sixteen Kingdoms
Xia 夏

period before (Jin Dynasty)
-- Southern Dynasties
-- Northern Wei
next period (Sui)

Southern and Northern Dynasties overview

Once in the service of Later Qin (Houqin 後秦), the Xiongnu 匈奴 Helian Bobo 赫連勃勃 rebelled against this kingdom and made himself king and Great Chieftain (Da Shanyu 大單于) of Xia 夏. In the next decade, the kingdom of Northern Wei (Beiwei 北魏) advanced further to the south and finally took Chang'an 長安 (modern Xi'an) and killed Helian Ding 赫連定 when he wanted to cross the Yellow River east on his flight. The politics of Xia are often described as showing no initiation of any establishment of a civil administration, and Helian Bobo is said being a ruthless tyrant who destroyed any civilian institution. But in fact, we possess a coin casted by Helian Bobo so that we must assume that he was at least concerned about the basics of a civilian government.

See also titles of rulers.

Note: The rulers of the sideline dynasties are usually not called with their posthumous dynastic titles but with their personal names as they are not accepted as righteous rulers by official historiographies.

Rulers of Xia 夏 (407-432)

Capitals: Tongwan 統萬 (modern Nanbai Chengzi 南白城子 near Wushenqi 烏審旗/Inner Mongolia), Chang'an 長安 (modern Xi'an/Shaanxi)

Ethnicity: Xiongnu 匈奴

dynastic title
-----reign mottos (begin)

temple name

personal name


Liu Weichen 劉衛辰
Xia Wuliedi 夏武烈帝
-----Longsheng 龍升 (龍昇) 407
-----Fengxiang 鳳翔 413
-----Changwu 昌武 418
-----Zhenxing 真興 419
Xia Shizu 夏世祖Helian Bobo 赫連勃勃 (Tiefu Qujie 鐵弗屈孑)407-425
The Deposed Ruler (Feizhu) 夏廢主
-----Yongguang 永光 425
The Prince of Qin 秦王Helian Chang 赫連昌425-427
The Last Ruler (Houzhu) 夏後主
-----Shengguang 勝光 428

conquered by Northern Liang

The Prince of Pingkang 平康王Helian Ding 赫連定428-432

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